Saturday 10 September 2016

Who am I? A quest to find yourself

Who am I? What is my purpose here? What do I do with my life? These are the some of the biggest questions that every human has. A never ending search that everyone hopes to find answer to eventually. This post is for those of you who are struggling to find answers to these questions. For those of you who think that you have the answers to these questions, think again. Your answers might not be the same all the time as the answers evolve throughout your life. I hope that I can help you comprehend a more evolved answer with some of the insights that helped me. 

     I am not stating that I have the perfect evolved answer that I can share with everyone. If it's that simple then everyone would have the answers. It is not that the answers are too complex but the path to those answers is hidden from plain sight. The answers would be found by only those who deserve it if I say so in Dumbledore's words. But I have to amend the statement as "Answers would be found by only those who search for it". If you are here reading this article, then you have already started your search. 
Finding yourself means searching for your purpose in life and a reason for your existence by looking into yourself and beyond. It also means to define yourself in your own terms. Most of us define ourselves based on what others say and expect from us. After some time we get used to that and lose ourselves in the process. Then a day comes when we realize that we have been a stranger in our own lives without seeing the bigger picture of life.
We as children observe the world and create our own picture of the world in which we fit in great. As the time passes, our experience broadens the picture and our definition of the world changes constantly with every experience. The experiences we go through, the people who are around us, all make up a big part of our life carving us into who we are now. Then are we the culmination of all our experiences? or Are we the average of all the people around us?
       -continued on part 2 of 'Who am I?'.

-Jim Rohn.

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